Thoughts & opinion about hot rodding. As well as discussions with friend over cars & parts.
Included subjects; rods --- rats --- parts --- ebay --- shows --- swaps --- & building jalopies.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
An End To Muscle Cars
And so closes another chapter of my life. I signed over a car I have known since 1996, my good friend, my 1969 Torino GT.
Farewell old friend –I will miss your loud exhaust, your gas fumed filled interior. I will miss the difficulties I had parking your 16’ 7” stock-car inspired body.
You may have had some minor faults like a water leaky interior & sticky starter (not to be picky), but you were always loyal to me. Never leaving me stuck on the side of the road or embarrassing me in front of others. And isn't that what matters, really.
And even though I had only driven you about 5000 miles in the thirteen and a half years that I cared for you, I haven't any regrets. Goodbye
Born in Los Angeles in 1974, I still live within a mile of where I grew up. I didn’t come into vintage hot rods until my mid 20’s. But I’ve been a car enthusiast much longer. Mostly a tinkerer, I like to figure out how things work, and what stuff they are made of. Natural things intrigue me; I’d happily spend a whole day collecting rocks & driftwood at a beach, or looking into tide pools.
I’m happily married, and we’re currently saving to buy a house. I work in freelance TV & film art & props departments, I also own a Playstation3, and like to read magazines.